It was starting a career in the travel industry that led me down the path of independent travel. Instead of sending other people on ’round the world’ trips, why not embark on my own? Having worked in travel all my working life, from sales to marketing and writing content for brochures and websites, I recently opted to study an MA in Journalism and a Diploma in Digital Marketing. Now I’m enjoying a new chapter – fulfilling a long-held dream of being a travel writer, alongside freelance copywriting, PR and marketing (all views on this website are my own!) I’ve had travel articles published in Cotswold Style magazine and written blogs for, First Great Western and Pink Pangea.
My travel blog will have a new focus on sustainable travel and ethical eating angles too – both things that I am passionate about. Everyone that knows me will tell you how I’m always asking restaurant staff if their chicken is free range or organic before I give my order. While I can’t label myself a saint, I try my best to put my money where my mouth is and shop local, eat ethically reared meat and sustainably sourced fish, buy organic dairy, reduce plastic consumption and cut out products using unsustainable palm oil.
Why All Aboard the Skylark? This comes from a childhood memory of getting into the car, ready to set off on a journey. Mum sometimes used to say, you’ve guessed it, “All aboard the skylark.” I’ve since discovered there are two schools of thought behind this phrase. It was used in a 1970s kids TV programme called Noah & Nellie. It was also used to summon British seaside visitors onto trip boats (dating back to the Victorian era), and since adapted for use by anyone who’s about to embark on a happy, holiday journey. Our version came from the latter, as being brought up near Southend-on-Sea, Mum remembers the trip boats and, as it turns out, her Mum used to say the same to her.

Whilst being lucky to have travelled to far flung destinations across the globe, I also enjoy exploring closer to home, right here in the Cotswolds – where skylarks can sometimes be spotted swooping over the hills.
I hope you’ll join me aboard the Skylark and enjoy reading my travel tales and recommendations.
Favourite city: Tokyo
Favourite country: Sri Lanka
Favourite dinner: Chilli Crab at The Boatshed, Nelson, NZ
Favourite cocktail: Strawberry Daiquiri, Havana, Cuba
Best view: Walking along the Great Wall of China as it stretches into the distance
Best wildlife encounter: Snorkelling with rays and turtles in the Maldives
Worst place to stay: Pitch black jungle hut in Malaysia with rats running around the room
Scariest moment: Getting unexpectedly caught up in a tear gas riot in La Paz, Bolivia