I am thrilled that All Aboard the Skylark has be nominated for the Liebster Award by The Wright Route. The Leibster Award is a great way to support and promote new bloggers and I am very grateful for the support and recognition of my travel blog.
What is the Liebster Award?
The Liebster Award is a form of recognition for blogging efforts, passed from one award-winning blog to another. The award has German routes and traditionally the winners nominate 5 to 11 worthy bloggers with under 1000 followers.
Once the award is accepted, the blogger must write a blog post to include:
– A thank you to the blogger that nominated them for the award
– Answers to the 10 questions given to them by the blogger
– A list of 5-11 new bloggers to pass the award on to
– A set of new questions to give the nominees
Thank you to The Wright Route
Thank you very much to Adam and Amy from The Wright Route for nominating my blog for the Liebster Award. The Wrights are a travelling couple who enjoy travelling all over the world. While it sounds like they veer more towards travelling in comfort these days, it seems this was not always the case. You can read about their travels on their blog, or follow on Facebook and Twitter.

Answers to the questions posed by The Wright Route
- Of all the places you have travelled, imagine you had to choose one of them to live in. Which one would you choose and why?
I would live in New Zealand. I’d enjoy a slightly milder climate and live a more outdoorsy lifestyle. I could pop down to the beach and hop off on a boat at weekends, or hike through forests or up mountains for spectacular views. I’d eat fresh fish and drink lovely NZ wine. Shame it’s just so far away!
- Where would you say is the most ‘off the beaten track’ place you have visited?
I went to the Sinai desert to help build a school for a Bedouin tribe for a charity called the Makhad Trust. A very small group of us trekked through the desert and slept out in the desert under the stars. We didn’t see another soul, apart from the Bedouin guides that were with us.

- What is the weirdest thing you have ever eaten when travelling?
I’ll have to admit to being slightly squeamish when it comes to eating weird things. Close encounters included deep-fried cicadas in Malaysia, crispy spiders in Cambodia, squid elbows in Japan and guinea pig in Peru. I guess the weirdest things I have knowingly eaten are snails in France (a long time ago) and a crocodile sandwich in Australia.
- What is your standout most memorable travelling experience?
I’m not sure I can pick just one, as each travel experience is special and unique in its own way. If I have to pick one, as a precious memory, it would be skiing with my Dad in NZ for the first and last time.
- Is there anywhere you regret travelling to, or would not return?
I don’t regret going anywhere. Places I wouldn’t return to? Never say never.
- What, if anything, do you find difficult when travelling, and how do you overcome this?
If I’m on my own, it would be working out what do in the evenings. However, I’m getting more used to this with practice. On a recent trip to Venice, I had one of the most romantic evenings by myself: a sunset gondola ride, lovely dinner and then hanging out in St Mark’s square singing along to the grand old caffe bands. The good thing about being on your own is you can do exactly what you want, without having to worry about anyone else!

- What would you say is your most successful blog post, or the post you are proudest of?
My most successful blog so far is Top 5 Christmas Markets in Europe. Having visited a European Christmas Market every year for the last 12 years or more, I really enjoyed putting this blog together and trying to work out my favourite locations. After all, what’s not to love about visiting a Christmas Market?
- Would you say that travelling has changed you in any way, and if so, how?
It has opened my eyes to what’s out there. It makes me realise how lucky I am to be able to travel, but also that I have made the opportunities happen. It has made me more confident in exploring the world by myself.
- What advice would you give to someone who is thinking of travelling, but is nervous of the risks?
To absolutely go for it and take the plunge. You’ll meet great people and have amazing experiences that you can carry with you throughout your life.
- If you could get on a plane right now and go any where in the world, where would you go?
I’d go and visit a very good friend in Tokyo and explore some more of Japan.
Blog Nominations
I’ve chosen five blogs, that I enjoy reading, to nominate to receive the Liebster Award. I have only personally met one of these lovely ladies, but I know they all currently reside in the Cotswolds area.
Nomination: Noelle Across the Pond

Nomination: Heels in the Countryside

Nomination: Severn Bites

Nomination: The Weekend Tourist

Nomination: Honeybourne Line

The questions I’d like to ask these nominees are:
1) If you could take anyone (living or dead) with you on your next trip, who would it be and why?
2) What have you learnt most about yourself from travelling?
3) What is your favourite mode of transport?
4) Describe one of your favourite journeys?
5) What is your favourite restaurant in all the world?
6) Which native food do you miss most when you travel?
7) What is your most read blog post?
8) Which form of social media do you like best?
9) If I was visiting your hometown, what are your top tips for where I should go?
10) Where are you heading to next?
I hope you enjoy taking part and sharing the nomination for the Liebster Award. I look forward to reading your answers.
January 30, 2017Congratulations Sara, I really enjoyed reading your answers, a lovely insight to you and your travel experiences. May your blogging be a great success! Karan
January 30, 2017Thank you Karan, that’s very kind of you!
January 31, 2017Congrats on your nomination and thank you for mine! I loved reading your answers to the questions – I’m dying to visit New Zealand!
January 31, 2017Thank you Noelle! I hope you get there one day. It’s the most beautiful country. Good luck with yours and I’ll look forward to reading your responses. 🙂
Amy and Adam
February 2, 2017You are most welcome for your nomination! It is well deserved 🙂 Great answers here. Your trip to the Sinai Desert sounds incredible!
February 3, 2017Thank you Amy and Adam. That’s really kind of you. The Sinai was amazing and it was fun to look back through the photographs of this trip again!